
Why choose the Diversity Icebreaker

The arguments below were developed in cooperation with Inventi Consulting, a company promoting Diversity Icebreaker in Poland. It is based on their experiences from Poland – a new market for Diversity Icebreaker where our tool competes with other, established concepts.

Price and organizational impact

Other tests-tools are several times more expensive and affordable only in a limited scope, e.g. only for the top management. At rates of 21€ per person, virtually almost anybody in the organization can benefit from Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker.

Beautiful simplicity

DI’s simplicity is its major advantage. The other tests multiple pages reports are very interesting and insightful, but they usually end up in a desk-drawer. Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker gives participants a concise, clear and complete feedback. They leave the workshop and remember 100% of what they learned.

Independence of use

No-certification-required policy allows the client to train internal facilitators and run the workshop whenever, however and with whom they wish. Flexibility & independence = cost-effectiveness.

Ease of administration

Filling out the Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker questionnaire takes a minimum amount of time and is done on the spot. There are certain advantages in that:
better control over how the participants understand the context they will work in with the questionnaire;
they have the necessary time they need – with tests filled out beforehand, many end up completing them in a hurry, the last minute before deadline;
identical conditions for everybody filling out the questionnaire;
no technical requirements.


There are a number of benefits in filling out the questionnaire, getting and working with the results without a time gap in between:
it encourages the people to work and be involved in the workshop;
it makes the participants’ identification with the results stronger compared with other tests;
filling out the questionnaire together with other participants in the room enhances bounding, is integrating and takes the edge of “being assessed” from the “testing situation”.

Practical and concrete

Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker questionnaire’s results are concrete and more practical then what the other tests provide. The three-colour preferences are easy to understand and applicable across many kinds of situations.

Focus on the positives

Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker focuses the positives. It is motivating for and the improvement areas that follow after the workshop are related to how one can work better with others; instead of focusing on one’s weaknesses.

Long-term effect

It is amazing how easy it is for all kinds of participants to remember the three colours and the learning points from the workshop. That knowledge is applied in practice months after the Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker – unlike with what is the case with other tools, which often require constant reminders.


The description of individual’s profile is constructed locally, in empowering group processes, and not given by an expert. This description is functional not only on the individual (insight, self-development) and interpersonal (cooperation, communication) levels; but also on the language level (culture).

Not only personal feedback

Besides giving an individual employee feedback it allows to develop one’s skills in a group-context; beyond the scope of coaching sessions.


DI workshops’ participants can apply the knowledge about the colours and learning-points they acquired in DI to interact better with anyone, also those who have never been acquainted with Trialogue/Diversity Icebreaker.

Multiple applications

There’s no limits as to how many times one person can participate in a workshop (e.g. when a new teams are being set up, an organizational change is on its way, etc.). He or she can fill out the questionnaire and be part of the workshop again and again, meeting new co-workers, learning new things and not getting bored.